Swept plough SR-T1

Swept plough SR-T1 is intended for tractors and mini tractors powered within 50 - 90 PS. Its robust design allows the connection to the front 3-point hitch or to the clamping plate. The plough is intended for removing the fresh snow or slush.

Blade from hardox is in basic equipment.

The swept plough SR-T for tractor is equipped with hitch class 1 or 2 which allows to copy transversally the road profile within ± 5°. The angle modification is provided using two hydraulic cylinders, controlled by two hydraulic circuits. It is possible to control each wing separately.

Maximum working speed is 20 km/h, maximum transport speed is 40 km/h. The plough is equipped by depth foot to assure its stability if being parked.

It is possible to deliver wide range of accessory:

  • Blade from rubber,
  • Side impact protection
  • Position lighting
  • Depth wheels 4.00–8
  • Hydraulic after-load
  • Connection to 1 hydraulic circuit with electric control
  • Sliding
  • Clamping plate DIN

Technical parameters of 1800, 2000 and 2200 versions

Type SR-T1 SR-T1 SR-T1
Commercial labelling SR T1 1800 SR T1 2000 SR T1 2200
A Plough width (mm) 1830 2070 2240
A1 Plough width (mm) 2475 2770 3040
A2 Plough width (mm) 1655 1860 2055
A3 Plough width (mm) 1765 1975 2165
B Length (mm) 1120 1220 1320
C Height (mm) 885 895 925
C1 Height (mm) 730 730 730
Weight (kg) 575 590 615
Shooting angle ± 45° ± 45° ± 45°
Blade from steel
Blade from hardox · · ·
Blade from rubber · · ·
Blade from vulkolan
Blade angle 20° 20° 20°
Protection system HYDR. SEC. HYDR. SEC. HYDR. SEC.
Number of blade segments 4 4 4
Hydraulic flow (Lpm) min. 20 min. 20 min. 20
Hydraulic pressure (MPa) max. 20 max. 20 max. 20
Need of hydr. circuit 2 2 2
Carrier power requested (kW) Up to 70 Up to 70 Up to 70
Agrometall s.r.o. reserves the right to modify the technical parameters and construction of mentioned products without notice.

Photo gallery of SR-T1 plough

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